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PSALMS 34: 1-8

Why I Praise God
Psalms 34: 1-8
Have you started to tether in your Christian walk?
Do you truly believe you have received all that God has for you?
When was the last time you had a tuneup in Christ?
As you start to answer these questions Take a good look at where you are in life today. Can you truly say you’ve done enough in your Christian journey? When was the last time you talked to a family member, friends, coworker, or even a stranger rejoicing about the God you serve?
We often times get complacent with God! We start slacking in our prayer life, reading of the word, and making time for devotion with Him. But OH How quick are we to find him when we are in NEED? God if you can just fix this situation, how will I pay this bill,my life is such a mess, or Why is Satan coming after me?
Remember God is not a light switch, that we can switch on and off when we need HIM! We have to stand on the promises of God and know that he will not break his covers with us. God will never put more on you than you can bear.
NOW You have to do your part to develop an intimate relationship with God! Then you won’t feel so alone in your hard times. Praise God just the same when you’re being blessed, as when you’re being tested. Always remember everything will come out for the greater good, For He is God!
*God gives GRACE to you, Do you give GRACE to others