
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Know Your Worth
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
QUESTION If you had a $20 bill in your hand, you dropped it on the ground and stepped on it, would it still be valued as $20? Now what if you took that same $20 crumbled it up and threw it across the room would it lose value?
ASK YOURSELF How do you think God values your life? Do we lose value when we fall short, or crumble at the wayside? We all made mistakes, said or did things that you wish you could take back. All have judged others while standing knee-deep in our own sins.
We’ve been in a room full of people and knew that we did not belong there, but we stayed because we wanted to be part of the crowd.
When will we start to realize our worth?
Are you staying in a relationship because it’s convenient?
Are you holding on to a friendship because you feel like you owe it to someone?
Are you hanging out with a certain crowd because you don’t want to be an outcast?
Always know that God placed you here for a reason you are special. Your Holy Spirit is trying to lead you in the right direction. So if you dropped your faith or balled it up, pick it back up! The FAITH that God gives doesn’t lose its value
Parents as we prepare to send our kids back to school. Please have a serious talk with them, reminding them how important it is to walk in faith. Not getting caught up in the social status,and falling into peer pressure. As we Pray OVER our kids, also Pray WITH your kids, teaching them HOW to Pray for themselves, as well as OTHERS. Kindness is the key and it starts at home