
LUKE 19:1-10
Lost and Found
Luke 19:1-10
Have you ever lost something dear to your heart?
-Your walk in Christ 
-A family member
-Something of a great value
-A longtime friend
We sometimes get lost In our trials and tribulations and we find it hard to move forward in life. We feel like we are so lost or removed from God that we can’t find our way back to him. Feeling like God has abandoned us, and we are on this journey alone. 
Saints remember the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus? He lived a life of sin taking from everyone making himself very rich feeling no remorse. But guess what, God can show up in the worst of the worst of people. Look at how He made an example out of Zacchaeus by changing his heart, leading him to follow Christ and causing him to right his wrongs. In the end Zacchaeus willingly took from his own richest to helped the same people that he took from.
Children of God when we lose our way on this Christian journey, never be to ashamed to come back Our Father. He is asking us to lay your sins and burdens at his feet, because HE will never leave or forsake us. The God we serve rejoices when one of his lost sheep comes back home.
Cleaning up a sinner life so they are able to spend eternally with HIM, is the greatest gift that HE could ever give us