
Luke 14:1-6
" Playing Dumb"
Playing Dumb
Luke 14:1-6
When it comes to helping in the house of God, how many excuses do you have?
- I work all week. Sunday is my rest day.
- Oh, I’m sure someone else will get it done.
- I already do enough. I’m not taking on more responsibility.
Could you imagine what your our life would look like if God made excuses as to why he can’t help us?
“Religious” people have so much knowledge, but yet they act the dumbest. They are quick to judge others publicly, forgetting about their own closet sins. Not remembering long ago someone had to meet them in the mist of their sins.
If you study the word, you remember in the Bible where the “religious” people set Jesus up. Jesus heal on the seventh, and the people couldn’t wait to punish him.
Do you have people around you that are setting you up for failure? How long will you choose to play dumb? Are you trying to fool yourself, because you’re not fooling God!
Jesus knew his outcome would be death, and yet he still chose to heal on the seventh.
What are you willing to do to help your neighbor, church, or a stranger in need?
The only thing it will cost you is a little of your time.
Remember to Love, Give grace, and Share the good NEWS of Jesus our Lord and savior Written by A. Sutton