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A little history on IDA =( Inspire - Develop – Apply) my late grandmother Ida L. Ashmore
My grandmother, Mrs. Ida Griffin Ashmore, was born August 6, 1920, in Greenwood, South Carolina.  She was the second oldest of 6 children. Her parents, Mrs. Carrie Anderson Griffin and Mr. Mannie Griffin were sharecroppers, and her grandmother (Classie Griffin died in 1920) and Great Grandmother (Winnie Griffin died in 1952) were slaves. Ida was blessed to have and care for her Great Grandmother Winnie.  She learned a lot from Winnie, who often spent the night outside under the stars! Winnie taught my grandmother how to find the different constellations in the sky; the big dipper, the little dipper, the Lion, the hunter, the great bear and the North Star to name a few.  Winnie lived to see Ida grow up, graduate from high school, marry and have her first two children. Winnie who was an inspiration to my grandmother, died in 1952 at the blessed age of 112. 
Considering the time, place and conditions under which grandma and her family lived; picking bales of cotton from sunup to sundown and working the farm as sharecroppers. Grandma Ida was still able to attend “Brick House School” for her elementary learning; Boarding school in Augusta, South Carolina- “Bettis Academy” for middle school, and she graduated from Sanders High School in Laurens, South Carolina.  My grandmother attended her Prom escorted by her brother, who was in his Military Uniform and riding in her father’s brand- new car.  (Picture) 
 Having a very supportive family, my grandmother traveled to Buffalo, New York on several occasions to live with her uncle Nathaniel (who also lived to be 104). They got her a job, and she obtained her social security card from New York!  
My grandmother was quiet, compassionate, kind, spiritual, and an INSPIRATION to her family, friends, and her community. As grandkids we found out that we could talk to grandmother about anything, and she kept our secrets! Her home was the place in the community where even a stranger knew that they could come by for a warm meal, or words of wisdom. Grandmother was always active in the PTA for Oscar Street Elementary school where her seven children all attended.  Grandmother taught sabbath school classes and helped with Vacation bible School. She Ushered and was Head Usher for more than sixty years of her life, she followed protocol from the church manual and took pride in how she looked and how her ushers looked.  She developed true gate keepers for Gods house: cordial, professional, immaculate, greeters who managed the flow of guest and members in and out of the services.  Grandma was often seen hoarding a group of neighborhood kids downtown to the Health Department to get their Vaccine or booster shots; year after year she marched 15 to 20 kids downtown for their preventive shots. 
Grandmother, while busy raising her own 7 children, still opened her home to babysitting for the working mothers in the community and for family members; keeping children late into the night if it was necessary and sometimes bedding them down. Grandma DEVELOPED skills in babies, like potty training from 9 months to 1 years old, weaning from bottles, improving social and behavioral skills, and making sure that all homework was completed before parents arrived to pick their children up. 
Although Grandma did not go to Oakwood College as she dreamed, she took continuous mail in courses in religion, and she encouraged all of her children and grandchildren to graduate and attend College! Knowing her children’s dream, she helped in their development by presenting them with gifts, that would encourage their growth; a typewriter, a set of Encyclopedia’s a large Webster dictionary, a nurse’s kit, a cooking set etc.  and setting up bank accounts for all of her children.  
My grandmother was very Active as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a sister, a devoted parishioner and a community shepherd! Her heart and her doors were always open! She lived humbly! She was a quick Learner!  My grandmother would watch my granddad (A jack of all trades) fix something once and the next time that there was a problem with a toaster, the iron, the television, radio etc. my grandmother would take ACTION and fix it herself! She once, with the help of her children, repainted the entire house! Beautifully! My grandmother every Sabbath prepared enough food for her family, in-laws, grandchildren, the Pastor and church members to eat!  
My grandmother loved ME, laughed with me, encouraged me, disciplined me when needed, and helped to develop me to be who I am today! I am proud of my grandmother, Mrs. Ida Griffin Ashmore! 